Domovská stránka > Publikácie > Usporiadané podľa témy > Transportné procesy v kvázijednorozmer. štruktúrach

Transportné procesy v kvázijednorozmer. štruktúrach


  1. P. Kalinay, F. Slanina.
    Dimensional reduction of a general advection-diffusion equation in 2D channels.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (2018) 244002.

  2. P. Kalinay, F. Slanina.
    Feynman-Smoluchowski ratchet in an effective one-dimensional picture.
    Physical Review E 98 (2018) 042141.


  1. P. Kalinay.
    Nonscaling calculation of the effective diffusion coefficient in periodic channels.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (2017) 034109.

  2. P. Kalinay.
    One-dimensional description of driven diffusion in periodic channels.
    Physical Review E 96 (2017) 042157.


  1. P. Kalinay.
    Integral formula for the effective diffusion coefficient in two-dimensional channels.
    Physical Review E 94 (2016) 012102.


  1. P. Kalinay.
    Generalized method calculating the effective diffusion coefficient in periodic channels.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 142 (2015) 014106.


  1. P. Kalinay.
    Rectification of confined diffusion driven by a sinusoidal force.
    Physical Review E 89 (2014) 042123.

  2. P. Kalinay.
    Effective diffusion coefficient in 2D periodic channels.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2014) 144101 [erratum: Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2014) 169902].

  3. P. Kalinay.
    Effective transport equations in quasi 1D systems.
    European Physical Journal Special Topics 223 (2014) 3027-3043.


  1. P. Kalinay.
    Moment expansion for mapping of the confined diffusion.
    Physical Review E 87 (2013) 032143.

  2. P. Kalinay.
    When is the next extending of Fick-Jacobs equation necessary?
    Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (2013) 054116.


  1. P. Kalinay a J. P. Percus.
    Phase space reduction of the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck (Kramers) equation.
    Journal of Statistical Physics 148 (2012) 1135-1155.
    arXiv:1204.1145 [cond-mat.stat-mech]


  1. P. Kalinay.
    Effective one-dimensional description of confined diffusion biased by a transverse gravitational force.
    Physical Review E 84 (2011) 011118.
    arXiv:1105.1879 [cond-mat.stat-mech]

  2. P. Kalinay a J. K. Percus.
    Mapping of diffusion in a channel with soft walls.
    Physical Review E 83 (2011) 031109.


  1. P. Kalinay.
    Mapping of diffusion in confined systems (beyond the concept of entropic potential).
    In: IV Mexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physics: Relativistic Fluids and Biological Physics, ed. L. Dagdug, A. Garcia-Perciante, A. Sandoval-Villalbazo a L. S. Garcia-Colin (AIP Conference Proceedings 1312, Melville, NY, 2010) 102-113.

  2. P. Kalinay a J. K. Percus.
    Mapping of diffusion in a channel with abrupt change of diameter.
    Physical Review E 82 (2010) 031143.


  1. P. Kalinay.
    Mapping of forced diffusion in quasi-one-dimensional systems.
    Physical Review E 80 (2009) 031106.


  1. P. Kalinay.
    Response to “Comment on `Calculation of the mean first passage time tested on simple two-dimensional models'” [J. Chem. Phys. 128, 197102 (2008)].
    Journal of Chemical Physics 128 (2008) 197103.

  2. P. Kalinay a J. K. Percus.
    Two definitions of the hopping time in a confined fluid of finite particles.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 129 (2008) 154117.

  3. P. Kalinay a J. K. Percus.
    Approximations of the generalized Fick-Jacobs equation.
    Physical Review E 78 (2008) 021103.


  1. P. Kalinay a  J. K. Percus.
    The stretched Markov nature of single-file self-dynamics.
    Physical Review E 76 (2007) 041111.

  2. P. Kalinay.
    Calculation of the mean first passage time tested on simple two-dimensional models.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 126 (2007) 194708.


  1. P. Kalinay a J. K. Percus.
    Corrections to the Fick-Jacobs equation.
    Physical Review E 74 (2006) 041203.

  2. P. Kalinay a J. K. Percus.
    Exact dimensional reduction of linear dynamics: Application to confined diffusion.
    Journal of Statistical Physics 123 (2006) 1059-1069.


  1. P. Kalinay a J. K. Percus.
    Projection of two-dimensional diffusion in a narrow channel onto the longitudinal dimension.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 122 (2005) 204701.

  2. P. Kalinay a J. K. Percus.
    Extended Fick-Jacobs equation: Variational approach.
    Physical Review E 72 (2005) 061203.

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