Domovská stránka > Publikácie > Usporiadané podľa témy > Kvantová teória poľa v premenných svetelného frontu

Kvantová teória poľa v premenných svetelného frontu


  1. Ľ. Martinovič a A. Dorokhov.
    Vacuum loops in light-front field theory.
    arXiv:1812.02336 [hep-th]


  1. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Quantum field theory in two dimensions: Light-front versus space-like solutions.
    Few Body Systems 58 (2017) 46.


  1. Ľ. Martinovič a P. Grangé.
    Two-dimensional massless light front fields and models.
    Few Body Systems 57 (2016) 565-571.


  1. Ľ. Martinovič a P. Grangé.
    Solvable models with massless light-front fermions.
    Few Body Systems 56 (2015) 607-613.


  1. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Solvable models in the conventional and light-front field theory: Recent progress.
    Few Body Systems 55 (2014) 527-534.

  2. Ľ. Martinovič.
    A consistent hamiltonian treatment of the Thirring-Wess and Schwinger model in the covariant gauge.
    Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 251-252 (2014) 93-98.


  1. Ľ. Martinovič.
    New operator solution of the Schwinger model in a covariant gauge and axial anomaly.
    Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 6 (2013) 287-293.
    arXiv:1212.6449 [hep-th]

  2. Ľ. Martinovič a P. Grangé.
    Hamiltonian formulation of exactly solvable models and their physical vacuum states.
    Physics Letters B 724 (2013) 310-315.
    arXiv:1111.6344 [hep-th]


  1. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Exactly solvable models and spontaneous symmetry breaking.
    Few Body Systems 52 (2012) 449-455.
    arXiv:1111.6660 [hep-th]


  1. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Physical vacuum of the Thirring and derivative coupling models.
    Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 199 (2010) 147-152.

  2. Ľ. Martinovič.
    A systematic hamiltonian analysis of exactle solvable models and their vacuum structure.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS (LC2010)025.

  3. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Hamiltonians and physical vacua of exactly solvable models.
    arXiv:1012.2144 [hep-th]


  1. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Spontaneous symmetry breaking in light front field theory.
    Physical Review D 78 (2008) 105009.

  2. Ľ. Martinovič a P. Grangé.
    Higgs mechanism in a light front formulation.
    Modern Physics Letters A 23 (2008) 417-425.

  3. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Two-dimensional massive fermions and the Federbush model: space-like vs. light-front picture.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(LC2008)056.


  1. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Light front field theory: An advanced primer.
    Acta Physica Slovaca 57 (2007) 407-564.


  1. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs mechanism in a light front formulation.
    Nuclear Physics (Proc. Suppl.) 161 (2006) 153-159.

  2. J. P. Vary, D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, R. Lloyd, Ľ. Martinovič a J. R. Spence.
    Coherent states and spontaneous symmetry breaking in light-front scalar field theory.
    Nuclear Physics (Proc. Suppl.) 161 (2006) 223-229.


  1. Ľ. Martinovič a M. Luban.
    Analytic solution of the microcausality problem in Discretized Light Cone Quantization.
    Physics Letters B605 (2005) 203.

  2. D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, Ľ. Martinovič, G. B. Pivovarov a J. P. Vary.
    Ab initio results for the broken phase of scalar light front field theory.
    Physics Letters B617 (2005) 92.

  3. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Causality, Poincaré invariance, and Goldstone theorem in DLCQ.
    Few Body Systems 36 (2005) 167.


  1. D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, Ľ. Martinovič a J. P. Vary.
    Kinks in discrete light cone quantization.
    Physics Letters B582 (2004) 196.


  1. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Kink-antikink in discrete light cone quantization.
    In: Light Cone Physics: Hadrons and Beyond, ed. by S. Dalley (University of Durham, UK, Report No. IPPP/03/71, DCPT/03/142, 2003) 55-58.

[Počet návštev od 24. mája 2006 ... 3196]



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