Domovská stránka > Publikácie > Usporiadané podľa témy > Andersonov prechod

Andersonov prechod

Hlavný riešiteľ tejto témy, Peter Markoš, odišiel z Fyzikálneho ústavu SAV v r. 2008. Odvtedy téma nie je súčasťou výskumného programu oddelenia.


  1. J. Brndiar a P. Markoš.
    Character of eigenstates of the 3D disordered Anderson Hamiltonian.
    Physical Review B 77 (2008) 115131.
    arXiv:0801.1610  [cond-mat.dis-nn]

  2. L. Schweitzer a P. Markoš.
    Critical conductance of the chiral two-dimensional random flux model.
    Physica E 40 (2008) 1335-1337.
    arXiv:0708.3585 [cond-mat.mes-hall]

  3. I. Travěnec.
    Localization in 2D quantum percolation.
    physica status solidi (b) 245 (2008) 1604-1610.

  4. I. Travěnec.
    Metal-insulator transition in 3D quantum percolation.
    International Journal of Modern Physics B22 (2008) 5217-5227.
    arXiv:0712.0449  [cond-mat.str-el]


  1. J. Brndiar, R. Derian a P. Markoš.
    Generalized DMPK equation for strongly localized regime - numerical solution. 
    Physical Review B 76 (2007) 155320.
    arXiv:0706.1616 [cond-mat.mes-hall]

  2. P. Markoš a L. Schweitzer.
    Critical conductance of two-dimensional chiral systems with random magnetic flux. 
    Physical Review B 76 (2007) 115318.
    arXiv:0705.0622 [cond-mat.mes-hall]


  1. P. Markoš.
    Numerical analysis of the Anderson localization.
    Acta Physica Slovaca 56 (2006) 561-685.

  2. J. Brndiar a P. Markoš.
    Universality of the metal-insulator transition in three-dimensional disordered systems.
    Physical Review B 74 (2006) 153103.

  3. P. Markoš a L. Schweitzer.
    Critical regime of two dimensional Ando model: relation between critical conductance and fractal dimension of electronic eigenstate.
    Journal of Physics A: Math. & Gen. 39 (2006) 3221-3230.


  1. L. Schweitzer a P. Markoš.
    Universal conductance and conductivity at critical point of integer quantum Hall systems.
    Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 256805.

  2. K. A. Muttalib, P. Markoš a P. Woelfle.
    Conductance distribution in strongly disordered mesoscopic systems in three dimensions.
    Physical Review B 72 (2005) 125317 1-18.

  3. I. Travěnec.
    Shot noise and higher current moments in dimensions 2, 3 and 4.
    physica status solidi (b) 242 (2005) 1063-1074.

  4. P. Markoš a C. M. Soukoulis.
    Intensity distribution of scalar waves propagating in random media.
    Physical Review B 71 (2005) 054201.


  1. P. Markoš, K. A. Muttalib. P. Wolfle a J. B. Klauder.
    Conductance distribution in 3D Anderson insulators: deviation from log-normal form.
    Europhysics Letters 68 (2004) 867-873.

  2. P. Markoš, L. Schweitzer a M. Weyrauch.
    Comment on `Exact analytical solution for the generalized Lyapunov exponent of the two-dimensional Anderson localization'.
    Journal of Physics: Condens. Matt. 16 (2004) 1679-1681.

  3. I. Travěnec.
    Universal conductance fluctuations in non-integer dimensions.
    Physical Review B69 (2004) 033104.


  1. P. Markoš.
    Conductance statistics near the Anderson transition.
    in Anderson Transition and its Ramifications, Lectures Notes in Physics 630 Springer 2003 Ed. by T. Brandes and S. Ketteman.

  2. P. Vagner, P. Markoš, M. Moško a T. Schaepers.
    Coherent resistance of a one-dimensional wire beyond weak disorder limit: Expression for all moments and distribution tail.
    Physical Review B 67 (2003) 165316 1-7.

  3. K. Slevin, P. Markoš a T. Ohtsuki.
    Single parameter scaling of the conductance distribution near the Anderson transition.
    Physical Review B 67 (2003) 155106 1-4.

  4. K. Slevin, T. Ohtsuki, P. Markoš a Y. Asada.
    The critical exponents of the 2D and 3D Anderson transitions .
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72 (2003) 65-66.
    Proceedings of Localization 2002 (Quantum Transport and Quantum Coherence), Tokyo, August 16-19, 2002.

  5. K. Slevin, T. Ohtsuki a P. Markoš.
    Single parameter scaling of the conductance distribution in mesoscopic conductors .
    Physica E 18 (2003) 282-283.
    Proceedings of The 23 rd Confefrence on Low Temperature Physics, Hiroshima, August 20-27, 2002.

[Počet návštev od 24. mája 2006 ... 3245]



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