Domovská stránka > Publikácie > Usporiadané podľa témy > "Ľavoruké" materiály

"Ľavoruké" materiály

Hlavný riešiteľ tejto témy, Peter Markoš, odišiel z Fyzikálneho ústavu SAV v r. 2008. Odvtedy téma nie je súčasťou výskumného programu oddelenia.


  1. P. Markoš.
    Materials with negative refractive index.
    Zborník z 15. konferencie slovenských fyzikov, Stará Lesná, 11.-14. septembra 2006, v tlači.
    Úplný text článku


  1. Th. Koschny, P. Markoš, E. N. Economou, D. R. Smith, D. C. Vier a C. M. Soukoulis.
    Impact of the inherent periodic structure on effective medium description of left-handed and related metamaterials.
    Physical Review B 71 (2005) 245105.


  1. T. Koschny, P. Markoš, D. R. Smith a C. M. Soukoulis.
    Reply to Comments on "Resonant and antiresonant frequency dependence of the effective parameters of metamaterials".
    Physical Review E 70 (2004) 048603.


  1. T. Koschny, P. Markoš , D. R. Smith a C. M. Soukoulis.
    Resonant and anti-resonant frequency dependence of the effective parameters of metamaterials .
    Physical Review E 68 (2003) 065602(R) 1-4.

  2. P. Markoš a C. M. Soukoulis.
    Absorption losses in periodic arrays of thin metallic wires .
    Optics Letters 28 (2003) 846-848.

  3. P. Markoš a C. M. Soukoulis.
    Transmission properties and effective electromagentic parameters of double negative metamaterials.
    Optics Express 11 (2003) 649-661.

  4. C. M. Soukoulis a P. Markoš.
    Transfer matrix studues of left-handed materials.
    in Anderson Transition and its Ramifications, Lectures Notes in Physics 630 Springer 2003 Ed. by T. Brandes and S. Ketteman.

  5. P. Markoš a C. M. Soukoulis.
    Left-handed materials.
    In: B. A. van Tiggelen and P. Skipetrov (eds.) Wave scattering in complex media: From theory to applications 309-329
    Kluwer Academic Publisher (2003)

  6. P. Markoš a C. M. Soukoulis.
    Structures with negative index of refraction.
    Proceedings of the 3rd Heraeus Summer School on Photonic Crystals: Optical Materials for the 21st Century, Lutterstadt Wittenberg, July 15-25, 2002, edited by K. Busch.
    physica status solidi (a) 197 (2003) 595-604

[Počet návštev od 24. mája 2006 ... 3283]



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