Nízkorozmerné coulombovské systémy2018
- M. Antlanger,
G. Kahl,
M. Mazars,
L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
The asymmetric Wigner bilayer. Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (2018) 244904. arXiv:1808.07345
- I. Palaia, M. Trulsson, E. Trizac a L. Šamaj.
A correlation-hole approach to the electric double layer
with counter-ions only. Molecular Physics 116 (2018) 3134-3146. arXiv:1803.00359
- L. Šamaj.
Logarithmic finite-size correction in non-neutral
two-component plasma on sphere. Journal of Statistical Physics 173 (2018) 42-53. arXiv:1807.03963
- L. Šamaj, M. Trulsson a E.
Strong-coupling theory of counterions between symmetrically
charged walls: from crystal to fluid
phases. Soft Matter
14 (2018) 4040. arXiv:1804.08459
- M. Trulsson, E. Trizac, and L. Šamaj.
Planar screening by charge polydisperse
counterions. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
30 (2018) 035001. arXiv:1801.01686
- L. Šamaj.
Finite-size effects in non-neutral two-dimensional Coulomb
fluids. Journal of
Statistical Physics 168
(2017) 434-446. arXiv:1702.06778
- I. Travěnec a L. Šamaj.
Tricriticality for dimeric Coulomb molecular crystals in
ground state. Journal of Physics A 50 (2017) 485001. arXiv:1706.04799
- M. Trulsson, L. Šamaj
a E. Trizac.
Quasi-universality in mixed counterions
systems. Europhysics Letters 118 (2017) 16001. arXiv:1612.04212
- M. Antlanger,
G. Kahl,
M. Mazars,
L. Šamaj
a E. Trizac.
Rich polymorphic behavior of Wigner bilayers. Physical Review Letters 117 (2016) 118002.
- L. Šamaj.
Amplitude function of asymptotic correlations along charged
wall in Coulomb fluids. Journal of
Statistical Physics 164 (2016)
304-320. arXiv:1603.01057
- L. Šamaj, A. P. dos Santos, Y. Levin
a E. Trizac.
Mean-field beyond mean-field: the single particle view for
moderately to strongly coupled charged
fluids. Soft Matter 12 (2016) 8768-8773. arXiv:1609.06541
- L. Šamaj a E.
Poisson-Boltzmann thermodynamics of counter-ions confined by
curved hard walls. Physical Review E
93 (2016) 012601. arXiv:1511.01271
- I. Travěnec a L.
Separation of Wigner structures for two-dimensional
equimolar binary
mixtures of Coulomb particles. Physical Review B
93 (2016) 104110. arXiv:1602.02947
- M. Trulsson, L. Šamaj
a E. Trizac.
Quasi-universality in mixed counterions
systems. arXiv:1612.04212
- I. Travěnec a L. Šamaj.
Phase diagram and critical properties of Yukawa
bilayers. Physical Review E
92 (2015) 022306. arXiv:1504.03501
- L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
Effective charge of cylindrical and spherical colloids
immersed in an electrolyte: the quasi-planar
limit. Journal of
Physics A 48 (2015) 265003. arXiv:1505.07965
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Counter-ions near a charged wall: Exact results for disc and
planar geometries. Journal of
Statistical Physics 161 (2015) 227-249. arXiv:1511.00882
- M. Antlanger,
M. Mazars,
L. Šamaj,
G. Kahl
a E. Trizac.
Taking one charge off a two-dimensional Wigner
crystal. Molecular
Physics 112 (2014) 1336-1349. arXiv:1401.8167
- L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
The Wigner strong-coupling
approach. In: Electrostatics of Soft and
Disordered Matter, ed. D. Dean, J.
Dobnikar, A. Naji a R. Podgornik (Pan Stanford
Publishing, Singapore, 2014) 93-105. arXiv:1210.4032
- L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
Counter-ions between or at asymmetrically charged walls: 2D
free-fermion point. Journal of Statistical Physics 156 (2014) 932-947. arXiv:1406.6621
2013 - L.
Thermodynamics of two-component log-gases with alternating
charges. Journal of
Statistical Physics 152 (2013)
599-618. arXiv:1303.4236
- L. Šamaj.
Counter-ions at single charged wall: Sum
rules. European
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Šamaj a Z. Bajnok.
Introduction to the Statistical Physics of Integrable
Many-body Systems. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK (2013).
- E. Trizac a L. Šamaj.
Like-charge colloidal attraction: a simple
argument. In: Proceedings of the
International School on
Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course 184:
Physics of Complex Colloids, ed. C. Bechinger, F.
Sciortino a P. Ziherl (IOS Press, Amsterdam-Oxford-Tokyo-Washington
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Long-range correlations of the
surface charge density between electrical media with flat and spherical
interfaces. Contributions
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a E. Trizac.
Strong-coupling theory for a
polarizable planar colloid. Contributions
to Plasma Physics
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53-57. arXiv:1111.5435
- L. Šamaj a
E. Trizac.
Strong-coupling electrostatics
for two dissimilar charged walls. Physica B:
Condensed Matter 407
- L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
Ground state of classical bilayer Wigner
crystals. Europhysics Letters 98 (2012) 36004. arXiv:1205.2460
- L. Šamaj
a E. Trizac.
Critical phenomena and phase sequence in a classical bilayer
Wigner crystal at zero temperature. Physical Review B 85 (2012) 205131. arXiv:1207.3920
- L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
Ground-state structure of a bilayer Wigner
crystal with repulsive dielectric images. Europhysics
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- Z. Bajnok a L.
Introduction to integrable many-body
systems III. Acta Physica Slovaca 61 (2011)
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Šamaj a E. Trizac.
Counterions at highly charged
interfaces: From one plate to like-charge
attraction. Physical Review Letters 106 (2011) 078301. arXiv:1009.4640
- L. Šamaj
a E. Trizac.
Counter-ions at charged walls:
Two dimensional systems. European Physical Journal
E 34 (2011)
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- L. Šamaj
a E. Trizac.
Wigner-crystal formulation of
strong-coupling theory for counterions near planar charged
interfaces. Physical Review E 84 (2011) 041401. arXiv:1112.3763 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
- L. Šamaj a B. Jancovici.
Charge and current sum rules in quantum media coupled to
radiation II. Journal of Statistical Physics
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Introduction to integrable many-body
systems II. Acta Physica Slovaca 60 (2010)
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Jancovici a L. Šamaj.
Equilibrium long-ranged charge correlations at the surface of
a conductor coupled to the electromagnetic radiation
II. Physical Review E 79 (2009) 021111.
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Jancovici a L. Šamaj.
Equilibrium long-ranged charge correlations at the interface
between media coupled to the electromagnetic
Physical Review E 80 (2009) 031139. arXiv:0905.3334
- L. Šamaj.
Charge and current sum rules in quantum media coupled to
radiation. Journal of Statistical Physics 137 (2009) 1-17. arXiv:0906.5536
- L. Šamaj a B. Jancovici.
Fluctuations of the electromagnetic field at the interface
media. In: 17th Conference of
Slovak Physicists, Proceedings, M. Reiffers, ed. (SFS,
Bratislava, 2009) 1-6. arXiv:0912.3124
B. Jancovici a L. Šamaj.
Guest charge and potential fluctuations in two-dimensional classical
Coulomb systems. Journal of Statistical Physics
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Equilibrium long-ranged charge correlations at the surface of
a conductor coupled to the electromagnetic radiation.
Physical Review E 78 (2008) 051119. arXiv:0807.4667
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Introduction to integrable many-body
systems I. Acta Physica Slovaca 58 (2008)
- L. Šamaj.
A generalization of the Stillinger-Lovett sum rules for the
two-dimensional jellium.
Journal of Statistical Physics 128 (2007) 1415-1428. arXiv:0705.1416
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A trickiness of the high-temperature
limit for number density correlation functions in classical Coulomb
Journal of Statistical Physics 128 (2007) 569-586.
- B. Jancovici a L. Šamaj.
Correlations and sum rules in a half-space for a quantum two-dimensional one-component plasma.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2007) P05009.
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L. Šamaj a B. Jancovici.
Wigner-Kirkwood expansion for semi-infinite quantum fluids.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2007) P02002.
L. Šamaj.
Renormalization of a hard-core guest charge immersed in a two-dimensional
Journal of Statistical Physics 124 (2006) 1179-1206.
L. Šamaj a Z. Bajnok.
Exactly solvable model of the two-dimensional electrical double layer.
Physical Review E 72 (2005) 061503.
B. Jancovici a L. Šamaj.
Casimir force between two ideal-conductor walls revisited.
Europhysics Letters 72 (2005) 35-41.
L. Šamaj.
Anomalous effects of "guest" charges immersed in electrolyte: Exact 2D results.
Journal of Statistical Physics 120 (2005) 125-146.
L. Šamaj.
Saturation of electrostatic potential: Exactly solvable 2D Coulomb models.
Journal of Statistical Physics 119 (2005) 459-478.
B. Jancovici a L. Šamaj.
"Screening" of universal van der Waals-Casimir terms by Coulomb gases
in a fully-finite two-dimensional geometry.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2005) P05004.
B. Jancovici a L. Šamaj.
Screening of classical Casimir forces by electrolytes in semi-infinite geometries.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2004) P08006.
L. Šamaj, J. Wagner, a P. Kalinay.
Translational symmetry breaking in the one-component plasma on the cylinder.
Journal of Statistical Physics 117 (2004) 159-178.
L. Šamaj.
Is the two-dimensional one-component plasma exactly solvable?
Journal of Statistical Physics 117 (2004) 131-158.
B. Jancovici a L. Šamaj.
Microscopic calculation of the dielectric susceptibility tensor for Coulomb fluids II.
Journal of Statistical Physics 114 (2004) 1211-1234.
L. Šamaj.
Exact solution of a charge-asymmetric two-dimensional
Coulomb gas.
Journal of Statistical Physics 111 (2003) 261-290.
L. Šamaj.
The statistical mechanics of the classical two-dimensional
Coulomb gas is exactly solved.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (2003) 5913-5920.
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