Domovská stránka > Publikácie > Usporiadané podľa rokov > 2016


Počítačové modelovanie kondenzovaných systémov

  1. C. Anzolini, R. J. Angel, M. Merlini, M. Derzsi, K. Tokár, S. Milani, M. Y. Krebs, F. E. Brenker, F. Nestola a J. W. Harris.
    Depth of formation of CaSiO3-walstromite included in super-deep diamonds.
    Lithos 265 (2016) 138-147.

  2. S. Ayissi, K. Palotás, H. Qin, L. Yang a P. A. Charpentier.
    Nanostructural adsorption of vanadium oxide on functionalized graphene: A DFT study.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016) 29208-29217.

  3. Y. Kinoshita, R. Turanský, J. Brndiar, Y. Naitoh, Y. J. Li, L. Kantorovich, Y. Sugawara a I. Štich.
    Promoting atoms into delocalized long-living magnetically modified state using atomic force microscopy.
    Nano Letters 16 (2016) 7490-7494.

  4. K. Palotás, I. Bakó a L. Bugyi.
    Structural, electronic and adsorption properties of Rh(111)/Mo(110) bimetallic catalyst: A DFT study.
    Applied Surface Science 389 (2016) 1094-1103.

  5. K. Palotás, G. Mándi a L. Szunyogh.
    Enhancement of the spin transfer torque efficiency in magnetic STM junctions.
    Physical Review B 94 (2016) 064434.
    arXiv:1603.01714 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]

  6. K. Palotás, L. Rózsa, E. Simon, L. Udvardi a L. Szunyogh.
    Metastable skyrmions with various topologies in an ultrathin magnetic film. II. Characterization with scanning tunneling microscopy simulations.
    arXiv:1609.07016 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]

  7. L. Rózsa, K. Palotás, A. Deák, E. Simon, R. Yanes, L. Udvardi, L. Szunyogh a U. Nowak.
    Metastable skyrmions with various topologies in an ultrathin magnetic film. I. Formation and stability.
    arXiv:1609.07012 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]

  8. K. Tokár, R. Derian, J. Brndiar a I. Štich.
    Strain control of vibrational properties of few layer phosphorene.
    Journal of Applied Physics 120(2016) 194305.

  9. K. Tokár, R. Derian, L. Mitas a I. Štich.
    Charged vanadium-benzene multidecker clusters: DFT and quantum Monte Carlo study.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (2016) 064303.

  10. Gy. J. Vida, E. Simon, L. Rózsa, K. Palotás a L. Szunyogh.
    Domain-wall profiles in Co/Irn/Pt(111) ultrathin films: Influence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction.
    Physical Review B 94 (2016) 214422.
    arXiv:1611.09518 [cond-mat.mes-hall]

  11. B. Walls, O. Lübben, K. Palotás, K. Fleischer, K. Walshe a I. V. Shvets.
    Oxygen vacancy induced surface stabilization: (110) terminated magnetite.
    Physical Review B 94 (2016) 165424.

Nízkorozmerné coulombovské systémy

  1. M. Antlanger, G. Kahl, M. Mazars, L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
    Rich polymorphic behavior of Wigner bilayers.
    Physical Review Letters 117 (2016) 118002.
    arXiv:1607.06614 [cond-mat.soft]

  2. L. Šamaj.
    Amplitude function of asymptotic correlations along charged wall in Coulomb fluids.
    Journal of Statistical Physics 164 (2016) 304-320.
    arXiv:1603.01057 [cond-mat.stat-mech]

  3. L. Šamaj, A. P. dos Santos, Y. Levin a E. Trizac.
    Mean-field beyond mean-field: the single particle view for moderately to strongly coupled charged fluids.
    Soft Matter 12 (2016) 8768-8773.
    arXiv:1609.06541 [cond-mat.soft]

  4. L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
    Poisson-Boltzmann thermodynamics of counter-ions confined by curved hard walls.
    Physical Review E 93 (2016) 012601.
    arXiv:1511.01271 [cond-mat.soft]

  5. I. Travěnec a L. Šamaj.
    Separation of Wigner structures for two-dimensional equimolar binary mixtures of Coulomb particles.
    Physical Review B 93 (2016) 104110.
    arXiv:1602.02947 [cond-mat.other]

  6. M. Trulsson, L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
    Quasi-universality in mixed counterions systems.
    arXiv:1612.04212 [cond-mat.stat-mech]

Transportné procesy v kvázijednorozmer. štruktúrach

  1. P. Kalinay.
    Integral formula for the effective diffusion coefficient in two-dimensional channels.
    Physical Review E 94 (2016) 012102.

Bezpečnosť a efektivita kvantového spracovania informácie

  1. M. Pivoluska, M. Pawlowski a M. Plesch.
    Tight bound on the classical value of generalized Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt games.
    Physical Review A 94 (2016) 022338.
    arXiv:1601.08095 [quant-ph]

  2. M. Pivoluska a M. Plesch.
    An explicit classical strategy for winning a CHSHq game.
    New Journal of Physics 18 (2016) 025013.
    arXiv:1510.07431 [quant-ph]

Vlastnosti hadrónov v hustej jadrovej hmote a extrémnych poliach

  1. B. Abelev et al. (STAR Collaboration incl. P. Filip).
    Near-side azimuthal and pseudorapidity correlations using neutral strange baryons and mesons in d+Au, Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV.
    Physical Review C 94 (2016) 014910.
    arXiv:1603.05477 [nucl-ex]

  2. L. Adamczyk et al. (STAR Collaboration incl. P. Filip).
    Beam energy dependence of the third harmonic of azimuthal correlations in Au+Au collisions at RHIC.
    Physical Review Letters 116 (2016) 112302.
    arXiv:1601.01999 [nucl-ex]

  3. L. Adamczyk et al. (STAR Collaboration incl. P. Filip).
    Measurement of the transverse single-spin asymmetry in p+p→W±/Z0 at RHIC.
    Physical Review Letters 116 (2016) 132301.
    arXiv:1511.06003 [nucl-ex]

  4. L. Adamczyk et al. (STAR Collaboration incl. P. Filip).
    Centrality dependence of identified particle elliptic flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions at sqrt(sNN)=7.7–62.4 GeV.
    Physical Review C 93 (2016) 014907.
    arXiv:1509.08397 [nucl-ex]

  5. L. Adamczyk et al. (STAR Collaboration incl. P. Filip).
    Centrality and transverse momentum dependence of elliptic flow of multistrange hadrons and ϕ meson in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200  GeV.
    Physical Review Letters 116 (2016) 062301.
    arXiv:1507.05247 [nucl-ex]

  6. L. Adamczyk et al. (STAR Collaboration incl. P. Filip).
    Probing parton dynamics of QCD matter with Ω and ϕ production.
    Physical Review C 93 (2016) 021903.
    arXiv:1506.07605 [nucl-ex]

  7. L. Adamczyk et al. (STAR Collaboration incl. P. Filip).
    Jet-like correlations with direct-photon and neutral-pion triggers at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV.
    Physics Letters B 760 (2016) 689–696.
    arXiv:1604.01117 [nucl-ex]

  8. L. Adamczyk et al. (STAR Collaboration incl. P. Filip).
    Measurement of elliptic flow of light nuclei at sqrt(sNN)= 200, 62.4, 39, 27, 19.6, 11.5, and 7.7 GeV at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider.
    Physical Review C 94 (2016) 034908.
    arXiv:1601.07052 [nucl-ex]

  9. L. Adamczyk et al. (STAR Collaboration incl. P. Filip).
    Beam-energy dependence of charge balance functions from Au + Au collisions at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider.
    Physical Review C 94 (2016) 024909.
    arXiv:1507.03539 [nucl-ex]

  10. L. Adamczyk et al. (STAR Collaboration incl. P. Filip).
    J/psi production at low transverse momentum in p+p and d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV.
    Physical Review C 93 (2016) 064904.
    arXiv:1602.02212 [nucl-ex]

  11. P. Filip.
    Strong decay of φ(1s), Υ(4s) and Σ±∗ in magnetic field.
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 668 (2016) 012055.

Kvantová teória poľa v premenných svetelného frontu

  1. Ľ. Martinovič a P. Grangé.
    Two-dimensional massless light front fields and models.
    Few Body Systems 57 (2016) 565-571.

Ostatné témy

  1. R. Krčmár a L. Šamaj.
    Critical properties of the eight-vertex model in a field.
    EPL - Europhysics Letters 115 (2016) 56001.
    arXiv:1610.08657 [cond-mat.stat-mech]



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