Domovská stránka > Publikácie > Usporiadané podľa rokov > 2014


Počítačové modelovanie kondenzovaných systémov

  1. J. Bamidele, Y. Kinoshita, R. Turanský, S. H. Lee, Y. Naitoh, Y. J. Li, Y. Sugawara, I. Štich a L. Kantorovich.
    Image formation and contrast inversion in noncontact atomic force microscopy imaging of oxidized Cu(110) surfaces.
    Physical Review B 90 (2014) 035410.

  2. J. Bamidele, S. H. Lee, Y. Kinoshita, R. Turanský, Y. Naitoh, Y. J. Li, Y. Sugawara, I. Štich a L. Kantorovich.
    Vertical atomic manipulation with dynamic atomic-force microscopy without tip change via a multi-step mechanism.
    Nature Communications 5 (2014) 4476.

  3. M. Dubecký, R. Derian, P. Jurečka, L. Mitas, P. Hobza a M. Otyepka.
    Quantum Monte Carlo for noncovalent interactions: An efficient protocol attaining benchmark accuracy.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 20915-20923.

  4. L. Horváthová, R. Derian, L. Mitas a I. Štich.
    Quantum Monte Carlo study of one-dimensional transition metal organometallic cluster systems and their suitability as spin filters.
    Physical Review B 90 (2014) 115414.
    arXiv:1403.5411 [physics.chem-ph]

Nízkorozmerné coulombovské systémy

  1. M. Antlanger, M. Mazars, L. Šamaj, G. Kahl a E. Trizac.
    Taking one charge off a two-dimensional Wigner crystal.
    Molecular Physics 112 (2014) 1336-1349.
    arXiv:1401.8167 [cond-mat.soft]

  2. L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
    The Wigner strong-coupling approach.
    In: Electrostatics of Soft and Disordered Matter, ed. D. Dean, J. Dobnikar, A. Naji a R. Podgornik (Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore, 2014) 93-105.
    arXiv:1210.4032 [cond-mat.soft]

  3. L. Šamaj a E. Trizac.
    Counter-ions between or at asymmetrically charged walls: 2D free-fermion point.
    Journal of Statistical Physics 156 (2014) 932-947.
    arXiv:1406.6621 [cond-mat.stat-mech]

Transportné procesy v kvázijednorozmer. štruktúrach

  1. P. Kalinay.
    Rectification of confined diffusion driven by a sinusoidal force.
    Physical Review E 89 (2014) 042123.

  2. P. Kalinay.
    Effective diffusion coefficient in 2D periodic channels.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2014) 144101 [erratum: Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2014) 169902].

  3. P. Kalinay.
    Effective transport equations in quasi 1D systems.
    European Physical Journal Special Topics 223 (2014) 3027-3043.

Bezpečnosť a efektivita kvantového spracovania informácie

  1. J. Bouda, M. Pawlowski, M. Pivoluska a M. Plesch.
    Device-independent randomness extraction for arbitrarily weak min-entropy source.
    Physical Review A 90 (2014) 032313.
    arXiv:1402.0974 [quant-ph]

  2. J. Bouda, M. Pawlowski, M. Pivoluska a M. Plesch.
    Device-independent randomness extraction for arbitrarily weak min-entropy source.
    In: Proc. 9th Conf. on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC’14), ed. S. T. Flammia and A. W. Harrow (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Dagstuhl Publishing, Schloss Dagstuhl) 205-211.

  3. M. Plesch, O. Dahlsten, J. Goold a V. Vedral.
    Maxwell's daemon: Information versus particle statistics.
    Scientific Reports (Nature) 4 (2014) 6995.

  4. M. Plesch a M. Pivoluska.
    Device-independent randomness amplification with a single device.
    Physics Letters A 378 (2014) 2938–2944.
    arXiv:1305.0990 [quant-ph]

Kvantová teória poľa v premenných svetelného frontu

  1. Ľ. Martinovič.
    Solvable models in the conventional and light-front field theory: Recent progress.
    Few Body Systems 55 (2014) 527-534.

  2. Ľ. Martinovič.
    A consistent hamiltonian treatment of the Thirring-Wess and Schwinger model in the covariant gauge.
    Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 251-252 (2014) 93-98.

QCD na mriežke

  1. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Numerical study of the Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional in D=3+1 dimensions.
    Physical Review D 89 (2014) 034504.
    arXiv:1310.6706 [hep-lat]



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