Domovská stránka > Publikácie > Usporiadané podľa rokov > 2004


Andersonov prechod

  1. P. Markoš, K. A. Muttalib. P. Wolfle a J. B. Klauder.
    Conductance distribution in 3D Anderson insulators: deviation from log-normal form.
    Europhysics Letters 68 (2004) 867-873.

  2. P. Markoš, L. Schweitzer a M. Weyrauch.
    Comment on "Exact analytical solution for the generalized Lyapunov exponent of the two-dimensional Anderson localization".
    Journal of Physics: Condens. Matt. 16 (2004) 1679-1681.

  3. I. Travěnec.
    Universal conductance fluctuations in non-integer dimensions.
    Physical Review B69 (2004) 033104.

"Ľavoruké" materiály

  1. T. Koschny, P. Markoš, D. R. Smith a C. M. Soukoulis.
    Reply to Comments on "Resonant and antiresonant frequency dependence of the effective parameters of metamaterials".
    Physical Review E 70 (2004) 048603.

Nízkorozmerné coulombovské systémy

  1. B. Jancovici a L. Šamaj.
    Screening of classical Casimir forces by electrolytes in semi-infinite geometries.
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2004) P08006.

  2. L. Šamaj, J. Wagner a P. Kalinay.
    Translational symmetry breaking in the one-component plasma on the cylinder.
    Journal of Statistical Physics 117 (2004) 159-178.

  3. L. Šamaj.
    Is the two-dimensional one-component plasma exactly solvable?
    Journal of Statistical Physics 117 (2004) 131-158.

  4. B. Jancovici a L. Šamaj.
    Microscopic calculation of the dielectric susceptibility tensor for Coulomb fluids II.
    Journal of Statistical Physics 114 (2004) 1211-1234.

Kvantová teória poľa v premenných svetelného frontu

  1. D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, Ľ. Martinovič a J. P. Vary.
    Kinks in discrete light cone quantization.
    Physics Letters B582 (2004) 196.

QCD na mriežke

  1. R. Bertle, M. Faber, J. Greensite a Š. Olejník.
    Center dominance in SU(2) gauge-Higgs theory.
    Physical Review D69 (2004) 014007.

  2. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník a D. Zwanziger.
    Coulomb energy, remnant symmetry, and the phases of non-Abelian gauge theories.
    Physical Review D69 (2004) 074506.

  3. J. Greensite a Š. Olejník.
    Adventures in Coulomb gauge.
    In: Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics, ed. by H. Suganuma, N. Ishii, M. Oka, H. Enyo, T. Hatsuda, T. Kunihiro, and K. Yazaki (World Scientific, Singapore, 2004) 152-163.

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