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Lattice QCD

The principal investigator of this topic, Štefan Olejník, left the Institute at the end of December 2017. It does not belong to the research programme of the department any more.


  1. Š. Olejník.
    The Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional thirty-five years later.
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 631 (2015) 012057.
    arXiv:1503.01296 [hep-lat]

  2. Š. Olejník.
    Measurement of the Yang-Mills vacuum wave-functional in lattice simulations.
    Preprint (2015), contribution to proceedings of the 4th Winter Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory.


  1. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Numerical study of the Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional in D=3+1 dimensions.
    Physical Review D 89 (2014) 034504.
    arXiv:1310.6706 [hep-lat]


  1. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Testing the Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional Ansatz in 3+1 dimensions.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(Confinement X)054 (2013).
    arXiv:1301.3631 [hep-lat]

  2. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Measuring the ground-state wave functional of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions: Abelian plane waves.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(LATTICE 2013)467, zaslané na uverejnenie.
    arXiv:1311.4095 [hep-lat]

  3. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Numerical study of the SU(2) Yang-Mills vacuum state: Much ado about nothing?
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(QCD-TNT-III)027, zaslané na uverejnenie.
    arXiv:1311.4341 [hep-lat]


  1. E. Bilgici, J. Danzer, C. Gattringer, C. B. Lang, and L. Liptak.
    Canonical fermion determinants in lattice QCD - Numerical evaluation and properties.
    Physics Letters B 697 (2011) 85-89.
    arXiv:0906.1088 [hep-lat]

  2. J. Greensite, H. Matevosyan, Š. Olejník, M. Quandt, H. Reinhardt, and A. P. Szczepaniak.
    Testing proposals for the Yang-Mills vacuum wavefunctional by measurement of the vacuum.
    Physical Review D 83 (2011) 114509.
    arXiv:1102.3941 [hep-lat]

  3. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    In quest of the Yang-Mills wave functional.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS (FacesQCD)027 (2011).
    arXiv:1102.4708 [hep-lat]

  4. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Properties of the approximate Yang-Mills ground-state wave functional in 2+1 dimensions.
    In: The IX International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, ed. by F. J. Llanes-Estrada and J. R. Pelaez (AIP Conference Proceedings 1343, Melville, NY, 2011) 203-205.
    arXiv:1011.5046 [hep-lat]

  5. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Adjoint torelons, and the persistence of color electric flux tubes in the deconfined phase.
    Physical Review D 84 (2011) 014506.
    arXiv:1105.0436 [hep-lat]

  6. A. Maas, T. Mendes, and Š. Olejník.
    Yang-Mills theory in λ gauges
    Physical Review D 84 (2011) 114501.
    arXiv:1108.2621 [hep-lat]


  1. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Coulomb confinement from the Yang-Mills vacuum state in 2+1 dimensions.
    Physical Review D 81 (2010) 074504.
    arXiv:1002.1189 [hep-lat]

  2. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    The QCD vacuum wave-functional and confinement in Coulomb gauge.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS (Lattice 2010)282.
    arXiv:1010.4995 [hep-lat]


  1. A. Cucchieri, A. Maas, and T. Mendes.
    Linear covariant gauges on the lattice.
    Computer Physics Communications 180 (2009) 215-225.
    arXiv:0806.3124 [hep-lat]

  2. J. Danzer, C. Gattringer, and L. Liptak.
    Properties of canonical fermion determinants with a fixed quark number.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS (LAT2009)185.
    arXiv:0910.3541 [hep-lat]

  3. J. Danzer, C. Gattringer, L. Liptak, and M. Marinkovic.
    A study of the sign problem for lattice QCD with chemical potential.
    Physics Letters B 682 (2009) 240-245.
    arXiv:0907.3084 [hep-lat].

  4. M. Faber, J. Greensite, U. M. Heller, R. Höllwieser, and Š. Olejník.
    Center vortices and Dirac eigenmodes.
    To appear in Proceedings of the International School-seminar "New Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics at External Conditions", Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, May 3-6, 2009.

  5. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Constituent gluon content of the static quark-antiquark state in Coulomb gauge.
    Physical Review D 79 (2009) 114501.
    arXiv:0901.0199 [hep-lat]

  6. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Gluon chains and the quark-antiquark potential.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS (LAT2009)240.
    arXiv:0910.2794 [hep-lat]

  7. A. Maas.
    More on Gribov copies and propagators in Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theory.
    Physical Review D 79 (2009) 014505.
    arXiv:0808.3047 [hep-lat]

  8. Š. Olejník.
    Vacuum structure and Casimir scaling in Yang-Mills theories.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS (QCD-TNT09)032.
    arXiv:0911.1453 [hep-lat]


  1. A. Cucchieri, A. Maas, and T. Mendes.
    Three-point vertices in Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theory.
    Physical Review D 77 (2008) 094510.
    arXiv:0803.1798 [hep-lat]

  2. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Dimensional reduction and the Yang-Mills vacuum state in 2+1 dimensions.
    Physical Review D 77 (2008) 065003.
    arXiv:0707.2860 [hep-lat].

  3. U. Heller, R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, J. Greensite, and Š. Olejník.
    Center vortex influence on the Dirac spectrum.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(LATTICE 2008)258.
    arXiv:0811.4408 [hep-lat]

  4. R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, J. Greensite, U. M. Heller, and Š. Olejník.
    Center vortices and the Dirac spectrum.
    Physical Review D 78 (2008) 054508.
    arXiv:0805.1846 [hep-lat]

  5. R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, J. Greensite, U. M. Heller, and Š. Olejník.
    Correlations between center vortices and low-lying Dirac eigenmodes.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(Confinement8)036.

  6. Ľ. Lipták and Š. Olejník.
    Casimir scaling in G2 lattice gauge theory.
    Physical Review D 78 (2008) 074501.
    arXiv:0807.1390 [hep-lat]

  7. Ľ. Lipták and Š. Olejník.
    First evidence for Casimir scaling in G2 lattice gauge theory.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(Confinement8)058.
    arXiv:0811.3497 [hep-lat]

  8. A. Maas.
    Green's functions and topological configurations.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(Confinement8)063.
    arXiv:0811.2730 [hep-lat]

  9. A. Maas and Š. Olejník.
    A first look at Landau-gauge propagators in G2 Yang-Mills theory.
    Journal of High Energy Physics 02 (2008) 070.
    arXiv:0711.1451 [hep-lat]


  1. C. S. Fischer, R. Alkofer, A. Maas, J. M. Pawlowski, and L. von Smekal.
    Large volume behavior of Yang-Mills propagators.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(LATTICE 2007)300.
    arXiv:0709.3205 [hep-lat]
  2. C. Gattringer and L. Liptak.
    Energy density for chiral lattice fermions with chemical potential.
    Physical Review D 76 (2007) 054502.
    arXiv:0704.0092 [hep-lat]
  3. C. Gattringer and L. Liptak.
    Thermodynamical quantities for overlap fermions with chemical potential.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(LATTICE 2007)205.
    arXiv:0708.0935 [hep-lat]
  4. J. Greensite, K. Langfeld, Š. Olejník, H. Reinhardt, and T. Tok.
    Color screening, Casimir scaling, and domain structure in G(2) and SU(N) gauge theories.
    Physical Review D 75 (2007) 034501.

  5. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Yang-Mills ground state in 2+1 dimensions and temporal gauge.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(LATTICE 2007)305.
    arXiv:0709.2370 [hep-lat]
  6. A. Maas.
    Two- and three-point Green's functions in two-dimensional Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theory.
    Physical Review D 75 (2007) 116004.
    arXiv:0704.0722 [hep-lat]


  1. J. Greensite, A. V. Kovalenko, Š. Olejník, M. I. Polikarpov, S. N. Syritsyn, and V. I. Zakharov.
    Peculiarities in the spectrum of the adjoint scalar kinetic operator in Yang-Mills theory.
    Physical Review D74 (2006) 094507.
  2. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Vortices, symmetry breaking, and temporary confinement in SU(2) gauge-Higgs theory.
    Physical Review D74 (2004) 014502.

  3. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Confinement from gauge invariance in 2+1 dimensions.

  4. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Center vortices in SU(2) gauge-Higgs theory.
    In: Sense of Beauty in Physics. A Volume in Honour of Adriano Di Giacomo, ed. by M. D'Elia, K. Konishi, E. Meggiolaro,  and P. Rossi (Edizioni Plus - Pisa Univ. Press, 2006) 335-342.
    Full text


  1. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník, and D. Zwanziger.
    Confinement and center vortices in Coulomb gauge: analytic and numerical results.
    Nuclear Physics (Proc. Suppl.) 141 (2005) 170-176.

  2. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník, and D. Zwanziger.
    Remnant symmetry and the confinement phase in Coulomb gauge.
    Nuclear Physics (Proc. Suppl.) 141 (2005) 199-204.

  3. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník, and D. Zwanziger.
    Relations between the Gribov-horizon and center-vortex confinement scenarios.
    In: Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI, ed. by N. Brambilla, U. D'Alesio, A. Devoto, K. Maung, G. M. Prosperi, and S. Cerci (AIP Conference Proceedings 756, Melville, NY, 2005) 162-171.

  4. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník, and D. Zwanziger.
    Center vortices and the Gribov horizon.
    Journal of High Energy Physics 05 (2005) 070.

  5. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník, M. I. Polikarpov, S. N. Syritsyn, and V. I. Zakharov.
    Localized eigenmodes of covariant Laplacians in the Yang-Mills vacuum.
    Physical Review D71 (2005) 114507.

  6. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník, and D. Zwanziger.
    Gribov horizon under the (lattice) microscope.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(LAT2005)293.

  7. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník, M. I. Polikarpov, S. N. Syritsyn, and V. I. Zakharov.
    Localized eigenmodes of the covariant lattice Laplacian.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(LAT2005)325.

  8. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník, M. I. Polikarpov, S. N. Syritsyn, and V. I. Zakharov.
    Eigenmodes of covariant Laplacian in SU(2) Yang-Mills vacuum: higher representations.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(LAT2005)326.

  9. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník, and D. Zwanziger.
    Infrared divergent Coulomb self-energy in Yang--Mills theory.
    In: Fifth Rencontres du Vietnam, New Views in Particle Physics, ed. by J. Dumarchez, V. Nguyen, and J. T. Tranh Van (The Gioi Publishers, Hanoi, 2005).


  1. R. Bertle, M. Faber, J. Greensite, and Š. Olejník.
    Center dominance in SU(2) gauge-Higgs theory.
    Physical Review D69 (2004) 014007.

  2. J. Greensite, Š. Olejník, and D. Zwanziger.
    Coulomb energy, remnant symmetry, and the phases of non-Abelian gauge theories.
    Physical Review D69 (2004) 074506.

  3. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Adventures in Coulomb gauge.
    In: Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics, ed. by H. Suganuma, N. Ishii, M. Oka, H. Enyo, T. Hatsuda, T. Kunihiro, and K. Yazaki (World Scientific, Singapore, 2004) 152-163.


  1. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Coulomb energy, vortices, and confinement.
    Physical Review D67 (2003) 094503.

  2. J. Greensite and Š. Olejník.
    Center vortices at N>4 colors.
    Nuclear Physics (Proc. Suppl.) 119 (2003) 679-681.

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