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Quantum field theory in light front variables


  1. ¼. Martinoviè and A. Dorokhov.
    Vacuum loops in light-front field theory.
    arXiv:1812.02336 [hep-th]


  1. ¼. Martinoviè.
    Quantum field theory in two dimensions: Light-front versus space-like solutions.
    Few Body Systems 58 (2017) 46.


  1. ¼. Martinoviè and P. Grangé.
    Two-dimensional massless light front fields and models.
    Few Body Systems 57 (2016) 565-571.


  1. ¼. Martinoviè and P. Grangé.
    Solvable models with massless light-front fermions.
    Few Body Systems 56 (2015) 607-613.


  1. ¼. Martinoviè.
    Solvable models in the conventional and light-front field theory: Recent progress.
    Few Body Systems 55 (2014) 527-534.

  2. ¼. Martinoviè.
    A consistent hamiltonian treatment of the Thirring-Wess and Schwinger model in the covariant gauge.
    Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 251-252 (2014) 93-98.


  1. ¼. Martinoviè.
    New operator solution of the Schwinger model in a covariant gauge and axial anomaly.
    Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 6 (2013) 287-293.
    arXiv:1212.6449 [hep-th]

  2. ¼. Martinoviè and P. Grangé.
    Hamiltonian formulation of exactly solvable models and their physical vacuum states.
    Physics Letters B 724 (2013) 310-315.
    arXiv:1111.6344 [hep-th]


  1. ¼. Martinoviè.
    Exactly solvable models and spontaneous symmetry breaking.
    Few Body Systems 52 (2012) 449-455.
    arXiv:1111.6660 [hep-th]


  1. ¼. Martinoviè.
    Physical vacuum of the Thirring and derivative coupling models.
    Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 199 (2010) 147-152.

  2. ¼. Martinoviè.
    A systematic hamiltonian analysis of exactle solvable models and their vacuum structure.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS (LC2010)025.

  3. ¼. Martinoviè.
    Hamiltonians and physical vacua of exactly solvable models.
    arXiv:1012.2144 [hep-th]


  1. ¼. Martinoviè.
    Spontaneous symmetry breaking in light front field theory.
    Physical Review D 78 (2008) 105009.

  2. ¼. Martinoviè and P. Grangé.
    Higgs mechanism in a light front formulation.
    Modern Physics Letters A 23 (2008) 417-425.

  3. ¼. Martinoviè.
    Two-dimensional massive fermions and the Federbush model: space-like vs. light-front picture.
    Proceedings of Science, PoS(LC2008)056.


  1. ¼. Martinoviè.
    Light front field theory: An advanced primer.
    Acta Physica Slovaca 57 (2007) 407-564.


  1. ¼. Martinoviè.
    Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs mechanism in a light front formulation.
    Nuclear Physics (Proc. Suppl.) 161 (2006) 153-159.

  2. J. P. Vary, D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, R. Lloyd, ¼. Martinoviè and J. R. Spence.
    Coherent states and spontaneous symmetry breaking in light-front scalar field theory.
    Nuclear Physics (Proc. Suppl.) 161 (2006) 223-229.


  1. ¼. Martinoviè and M. Luban.
    Analytic solution of the microcausality problem in Discretized Light Cone Quantization.
    Physics Letters B605 (2005) 203.

  2. D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, ¼. Martinoviè, G. B. Pivovarov and J. P. Vary.
    Ab initio results for the broken phase of scalar light front field theory.
    Physics Letters B617 (2005) 92.

  3. ¼. Martinoviè
    Causality, Poincaré invariance, and Goldstone theorem in DLCQ.
    Few Body Systems 36 (2005) 167.


  1. D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, ¼. Martinoviè and J. P. Vary.
    Kinks in discrete light cone quantization.
    Physics Letters B582 (2004) 196.


  1. ¼. Martinoviè.
    Kink-antikink in discrete light cone quantization.
    In: Light Cone Physics: Hadrons and Beyond, ed. by S. Dalley (University of Durham, UK, Report No. IPPP/03/71, DCPT/03/142, 2003) 55-58.

[Number of hits since May 24, 2006 ... 5031]



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