Curriculum Vitae
1954 in Bratislava (Czechoslovakia).
- 1980-1984:
PhD (called CSc. in Slovakia) studies in Institute of Physics,
Slov. Acad. Sci., Bratislava;
- PhD thesis:
The influence of the vacuum structure in quantum chromodynamics on
properties of heavy quarkonia
(the thesis in PDF is available here,
about 100 MB);
- supervisor Prof. J. Pišút, Comenius Univ.,
- finished Oct. 1984; defended June 1985.
- 1974-1979:
Comenius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bratislava,
specialization theoretical physics;
- diploma work:
Quantum number distributions and fluctuations in multiparticle
Academic degrees:
- 2003:
(Doctor of Sciences);
doctoral thesis:
Topological structures and color confinement in lattice QCD
(the thesis in DjVu format is available here,
about 3.2 MB).
- 1985:
PhD (called CSc., Candidate of Sciences, in Czechoslovakia before 1989).
- 1979:
Professional career:
- 2018-present:
- 1993-2017:
- senior research scientist, Inst. Phys., Slov. Acad. Sci., Bratislava
(from Feb. 2003 to June 2015: head of its Department of Complex Physical Systems).
- 1986-1993:
- research scientist, Inst. Phys., Slov. Acad. Sci.,
- 1985-1986:
- post-doc fellow of Istituto Nazionale
di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), working in Dept. Theor. Phys., Pisa University,
- 1980-1985:
- PhD student, Inst. Phys., Slov. Acad. Sci., Bratislava.
- 1979-1980:
- research assistant, Inst. Phys., Slov. Acad. Sci., Bratislava.
Longer stays in other institutions:
- 2003:
- one-month stay in Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Univ. of Tuebingen, Germany;
- one-month stay in Dept. Phys. & Astronomy,
San Francisco State University, CA, USA.
- 2002:
- one-month stay in Dept. Phys. & Astronomy,
San Francisco State University, CA, USA.
- 2001:
- one-month stay in Dept. Phys. & Astronomy,
San Francisco State University, CA, USA.
- 1994-1995:
- one-year stay (as Projektwissenschaftler) at
Institute of Nuclear Physics, TU Wien, Austria,
working on the projekt Topological structures in lattice QCD
with dynamical quarks supported by
the Austrian Bundesministerium
für Wissenschaft und Forschung.
- 1994:
- one-month stay in Dept. Theor. Phys., Pisa University, Italy.
- 1993-1994:
- one-year stay (as Vertragsassistent) at Institute of Nuclear Physics,
TU Wien, Austria,
working on the projekt Influence of static quarks
on topological structures in lattice QCD supported by
the Austrian Bundesministerium
für Wissenschaft und Forschung.
- 1992:
- two-month stay in Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum (HLRZ),
KFA, Jülich, FRG.
- 1990-1991:
- one-year stay (as Scientific Associate) at CERN, Geneva,
- 1990:
- two-month stay in Dept. Theor. Phys., Pisa University, Italy.
- 1989:
- two-month stay in Dept. Theor. Phys., Pisa University, Italy.
- 1985-1986:
- one-year post-doctoral fellowship of Istituto Nazionale
di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), spent in Dept. Theor. Phys., Pisa University,
Organization of conferences:
- 2002:
- co-director, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Confinement, Topology, and Other
Non-Perturbative Aspects of QCD, Stará Lesná, Slovakia.
- 1987:
- Hadron Structure '87, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia.
- Learned Society of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (regular member:
May 2008 - March 2019);
- Attestation Committee of the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice (external member: 2011-2015);
- Accreditation Committee (AC) of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
(member of the AC: 2005-2009, head of the
AC for Section I of the Academy: 2006-2007);
- Committee for evaluation of research activities of institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in years 2005-2009 for mathematics, physics, and informatics
(member: 2010-2011);
- Committee for Information and Communication Technologies of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
(member: 2009-2017);
- Committee for PhD studies in specialization "General Physics and Mathematical
Physics" (member, until the end of 2017);
- Committee for PhD studies in specialization "Nuclear Physics and Subnuclear
Physics" (deputy chairman, until the end of 2017);
- Board of Experts of the Academic Ranking and Rating Agency (member, the Agency is not active any more);
- Scientific Board of the Institute of Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (member: 1996-1999;
chairman: 1998-1999; member: 2006-2010);
- Scientific Board of the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice (external member: 2005-2009).
(not active any more) for Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D, Europhysics Letters,
Few Body Systems, Acta Physica Slovaca.
Last updated: Fri Oct 25 2019 11:39:07