Conference Contributions (Electronic Versions)
- E. Basso, V. P. Goncalves, M. Krelina, J.
Nemchik, R. Pasechnik: Nuclear
effects in Drell-Yan production at the LHC, poster
presented by M. Křelina on XLV International Symposium
on Multiparticle
(ISMD 2015), Wildbad
Kreuth, Germany (Oct. 4-9, 2015).
- Z.
Fecková, B. Tomášik: A new hydrodynamic
model using an exact Riemann solver, lecture presented by
Z. Fecková on the conference Excited QCD,
Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia
(Mar. 8-14, 2015).
- Z.
Fecková, B. Tomášik: Hydrodynamic
modeling of QGP expansion using an exact solution of Riemann
problem, lecture presented by
Z. Fecková on the conference
in Quark Matter, JiNR Dubna, RF
(July 6-11, 2015).
- Z.
Fecková, B. Tomášik: A
new shock-capturing numerical scheme using an exact Riemann
solver, poster presented by
Z. Fecková on 2015 European Nuclear Physics
Groningen, Netherlands (Aug. 31-Sep. 4, 2015) and Quark
Matter 2015, Kobe, Japan
(Sep. 27-Oct. 4, 2015).
- Z.
Fecková, B. Tomášik, J. Steinheimer, M.
Bleicher: The
effect of deuteron
formation on higher moments of net-proton
distribution, presented by
Z. Fecková on the seminar Transport
meeting, Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
(Dec. 2, 2015).
- E. E.
Kolomeitsev: Viscosity
of NS matter and mechanism of
r-mode stability in young rapidly rotating pulsars, lecture at the workshop Observations and
theory in the dynamics of neutron stars, ECT*, Trento, Italy (Jan. 26-30, 2015).
- E. E.
Kolomeitsev: Stability
of fast rotating neutron stars, invited seminar in Institute of Physics, Bratislava
(June 6, 2015).
- E. E.
Kolomeitsev: RMF
model with scaled hadron masses and coupling
constants and the hyperon puzzle, annual conference of the network NewCompStar,
Budapest, Hungary
(June 15-19, 2015).
- E.
E. Kolomeitsev: Neutrino processes in dense
lectures for students on Helmholtz
International Summer School “Dense Matter 2015”, JINR Dubna,
(June 29-July 11, 2015).
E. E. Kolomeitsev: Hyperon
and the RMF model with scaled hadron masses and coupling
constants, lecture at the conference Strangeness in
Quark Matter, JINR Dubna, RF
(July 6-11, 2015).
- E. E.
Kolomeitsev: Viscosity
neutron-star matter and r-mode stability of rapidly rotating neutron
stars, lecture at the workshop The Many Faces of
Neutron Stars, Mníchov, SRN (Aug. 24-Sep. 18, 2015).
- E. E. Kolomeitsev:
EoS flexible, lecture at the workshop on the equation of state of compact stars (OPUS7 meeting),
Copernicus Astronomical Centre, Warsaw, Poland (Nov. 19-20, 2015).
- K. A. Maslov, E. E.
Kolomeitsev, D. N. Voskresensky: Solution
the hyperon puzzle within a relativistic mean-field
model, poster presented by K. Maslovom at the school
Matter in Compact Stars: Experimental and Observational
Bucharest, Romania (Sep. 21-25, 2015).
- I. Melo, B.
Tomášik: Blast wave fits
with resonances to pt
spectra from nuclear collisions at the LHC, lecture presented by B. Tomášik at the conference Strangeness in
Quark Matter, JINR Dubna, RF
(July 6-11, 2015).
- I.
Melo, B. Tomášik: Blast-wave
fits with resonances to pt
spectra from Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 2.76
TeV, poster of I. Melo on European Physical
Society Conference on High Energy Physics, Vienna, Austria
(July 22-29, 2015).
- Š. Olejník: Measurement
of the Yang-Mills vacuum wave-functional in lattice
simulations, invited talk at the
4th Winter Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Field
INLN, Sophia Antipolis, France,
(Feb. 3, 2015).
B. Tomášik: Observables
of the
non-equilibrium phase transition, invited talk at the Physics Day on CBM Collaboration Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic (Sep. 16, 2015).
- B.
Tomášik, E. E. Kolomeitsev: Reference
calculations for subthreshold Ξ production, lecture presented by B. Tomášik at the conference Strangeness in
Quark Matter, JINR Dubna, RF
(July 6-11, 2015).
- B. Tomášik, R.
Kopečná: Event
shape sorting, invited lecture presented by B. Tomášik at the Zimányi
School 2015, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary (Dec. 7-11, 2015).
- B.
Tomášik, I. Melo: Blast
wave fits with
resonances to pt spectra from nuclear collisions at the
LHC, seminar presented by B. Tomášik at FJFI ČVUT, Prague, Czech Republic (Nov. 27, 2015).
- B. Tomášik, M. Schulc:
anisotropies due
to momentum deposition from hard partons, lecture presented by B. Tomášik at the conference Excited
QCD, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia (Mar. 8-14, 2015).
- B. Tomášik, M. Schulc:
anisotropies due
to momentum feeding from hard partons, lecture presented by B. Tomášik at Kernphysikalisches
Kolloquium, J.-W.-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany
(Apr. 16, 2015).
- B.
Tomášik, M. Schulc, R. Kopečná: Two
topics on event anisotropies: hard
parton contribution and event shape sorting, invited lecture presented by B. Tomášik at 4th
International Symposium on Non-equilibrium
Dynamics, Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy (Aug. 30.-Sep. 5, 2015).
- E. E. Kolomeitsev: Three
forms of a quantum kinetic equation, invited talk
at the 3rd International
Symposium on Non-equilibrium Dynamics (NeD-2014) and the 4th Network
Workshop on Theory of UltraRelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
(TURIC-2014), Hersonissos, Crete, Greece (June 9-14,
- E. E. Kolomeitsev: Neutrino processes in neutron stars, invited talk at the Helmholtz
International Summer School "Nuclear Theory and Astrophysical
Applications", Dubna, Russia (July 21-Aug 1, 2014).
- E. E. Kolomeitsev: Fermi-liquid approach for superfluid
systems, invited talk at the Helmholtz International Summer School
"Nuclear Theory and Astrophysical Applications", Dubna, Russia (July 21-Aug 1, 2014).
- E. E. Kolomeitsev: Multi-strangeness in heavy-ion collisions, invited talk at the XXII International Baldin Seminar on High
Energy Physics Problems "Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum
Chromodynamics", Dubna, Russia (Sept. 15-20, 2014).
- M.
Krelina, J. Nemchik, J. Cepila:
Challenges of direct photon production at forward rapidities and large pT, talk presented by M. Křelina at the 10th International Workshop on High-pT Physics in the
RHIC/LHC Era, SUBATECH, Nantes, France (Sept. 9, 2014).
- Š. Olejník:
The Yang-Mills vacuum wave-functional thirty-five years
later, invited research talk at the symposium DISCRETE 2014, King's College, London, UK
(Dec. 3, 2014).
- B. Tomášik: Anisotropic flow from hard partons in
ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions, talk at Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC), Hamburg, FRG (Aug. 8-29, 2015).
- B. Tomášik: Anisotropic flow generated by hard partons in medium, talk at the International Workshop on Collectivity in
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
(Sept. 14-20, 2014).
- B. Tomášik: Anizotropia priečneho rozdelenia hadrónov v
jadrových zrážkach, seminar at the FMFI UK, Bratislava (Oct. 21, 2014).
- B. Tomášik: Feeding of flow anisotropy from hard partons, invited talk at the Zimányi School 2014, Budapest, Hungary (Dec. 1-5, 2014).
- I. Melo, B. Tomášik: Freeze-out state from analysis of transverse
momentum spectra in Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 ATeV, poster at Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt, FRG (May 19-24, 2014).
- M.
Schulc, B. Tomášik: Hydrodynamical evolution with energy and
momentum feeding during the fireball expansion, poster at Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt, FRG (May 19-24, 2014).
- B. Tomášik, E.E.
Kolomeitsev, D.N.
Voskresensky: Strangeness production in
nuclear collisions around the threshold, at
Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt, FRG (May 19-24, 2014).
- Z. Fecková, B. Tomášik: Influence of momentum and charge conservation on azimuthally sensitive correlations, poster presented by Z. Fecková, 51. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, Schladming, Austria (Feb. 26, 2013).
- J. Nemchik: Diffractive
electroproduction of vector mesons on nuclei at
EIC, talk, Physics Opportunities
at an Electron-Ion Collider (POETIC 2013),
Valparaíso, Chile (Mar. 4, 2013).
- M. Krelina, J. Nemchik: Nuclear effects in hadron production in nucleon-nucleus collisions, talk presented by M. Krelina, Hadron Structure '13, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia (July 3, 2013).
- Z. Fecková: Collective motion in heavy-ion collisions, student report,
2013 Student Practice in JINR Fields of Research, Dubna, Russia (July 7-28,
- E. E. Kolomeitsev: Strangeness
balance in HIC, plenary talk, Strangeness
in Quark Matter 2013, Univ. Birmingham, UK (July 26,
- E. E. Kolomeitsev: Excitation modes in superfluid nuclear matter and neutron star cooling, talk, Neutron Stars: Nuclear Physics, Gravitational Waves and Astronomy, IAS, Univ. Surrey, UK (July 30,
- J. Greensite, Š. Olejník:
Measuring the ground-state wave functional of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in
3+1 dimensions: Abelian plane waves, poster
presented by Š.
Olejník, Lattice 2013, Mainz, FRG (July 30,
- J. Greensite, Š. Olejník: Numerical study of the SU(2) Yang-Mills vacuum state: Much ado about nothing?, invited talk presented by Š.
Olejník, QCD-TNT-III From quarks and gluons to hadronic matter: A bridge too far?, ECT*, Trento, Italy (Sep. 2,
- B. Tomášik: Dynamika horúcej
hmoty v jadrových zrážkach na LHC, (in Slovak), invited talk, 20th Conference of Slovak Physicists ,konferencii slovenských fyzikov, Bratislava
- J. Nemchik: Hydrodynamics vs perturbative QCD mechanism in production of hadrons in heavy ion collisions, invited talk, EDS Blois 2013: The 15th Conference on Elastic and Diffractive scattering, Saariselkä, Finland (Sep. 12, 2013).
- E. E. Kolomeitsev: Astrophysical
constraints on the nuclear equation of state, talk,
ISTROS 2013, Častá-Papiernička, Slovakia (Sep. 22-27,
- Z. Fecková, B. Tomášik: Influence of momentum and charge conservation on azimuthally sensitive correlations, poster presented by Z. Fecková,
Ecole Joliot Curie 2013: A Colourful Journey: From Hadrons to Quark-Gluon Plasma, Frejus, France (Sep. 29-Oct. 4,
- E. E. Kolomeitsev:
Neutrino emissivity of the dense
superfluid nuclear matter
and problems of neutron star cooling, talk,
Prague Synergy 2013, Prague, Czech Republic (Nov. 28,
- Z. Fecková: Charge conservation and azimuthal correlators in nuclear collisions, talk, 2013 Zimányi Winter School
on Heavy Ion Collisions, Budapest, Hungary (Dec. 2-6,
- I. Melo, B. Tomášik: Analysis of Pt spectra from PbPb at LHC, talk presented by I. Melo, 2013 Zimányi Winter School
on Heavy Ion Collisions, Budapest, Hungary (Dec. 2-6,
- J. Nemchik: Color transparency in incoherent electroproduction of rho mesons off nuclei, invited talk, International Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics (DIFFRACTION 2012), Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote, Spain (Sep. 11, 2012).
- J. Greensite, Š. Olejník: Testing the Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional Ansatz in 3+1 dimensions, talk presented by Š. Olejník, Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum X, Munich, FRG (Oct. 9, 2012).
- B. Tomášik: Production of Ξ hyperon in nuclear collisions at subthreshold energies, talk, Zimányi Winter School on Heavy Ion Collisions, Budapest, Hungary (Dec. 3, 2012).
- I. Melo: REGGAE - generator for uniform filling of the Lorentz invariant phase space, talk, Zimányi Winter School on Heavy Ion Collisions, Budapest, Hungary (Dec. 6, 2012).
Names of project investigators are typeset in boldface.